Equine Physiotherapy

Is your horse struggling?

Equine Physiotherapy aims to:

  • To reduce pain

  • To regain full joint range of movement

  • To restore and enhance strength

  • To regain full functionality

  • To form a relevant exercise plan to avoid re-injury

What is so unique about Yasmin’s approach?

Historically, any form of physiotherapy has been about working ‘on’ the horse, rather than working ‘with’ the horse. Working ‘on’ the horse refers to working on the horse regardless of the horse’s emotional response to what you are doing. This can be particularly damaging if the horse is guarding subclinical injuries but can also be emotionally traumatic for the horse - teaching them to learn that their behavioural indicators are not heard, resulting in either learned helplessness or escalation of unwanted, aversive behaviour.

When working ‘with’ the horse, Yasmin draws on her extensive knowledge on the subtleties of horse behaviour and biomechanics to inform her approach. She aims to observe and listen to the horse, to be cognisant of what the horse might be communicating which, in turn, helps them to feel safe during their treatment and therefore helps them to relax into it. This relaxation offers a doorway deeper into the musculoskeletal system which helps Yasmin to achieve greater postural changes, but also helps her to identify indicators that a horse may need intervention from other professionals.

With this in mind, holistic care is of highest importance to Yasmin. She understands that whole horse health is not possible without a team which means that she often refers to other professionals to support the horse’s ongoing wellbeing, such as the saddle fitter, hoof care provider, dentist of vet.